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Some kind words



"When I had my first healing session with Tony, I could literally feel the energy in the room change. He is such a gifted healer and I have had a number of sessions with him, both 'hands-on' and 'distant healing'. I always feel very uplifted after a session and have a lovely refreshed and peaceful energy. Tony has helped both me and my husband through a very difficult time, and his healings have been invaluable in helping us cope with what has been at times, a life or death situation. I would thoroughly recommend a healing session with Tony, whether you have a physical or emotional health issue or you might just need a boost!" - Jo Jones age 35 years



"I have been feeling very well and haven't experienced any noticeable changes in my well-being. I do however feel that it was of great benefit meeting you and having those sessions, mostly because it was intriguing to meet someone with your wonderful gift and I thoroughly enjoyed our light-filled discussion after the second session! I think its fair to say that I felt uplifted by your treatment and wonderfully relaxed and at peace throughout. I think you have a wonderful gift and that your continuous use of it  guided by your good and empathic nature will lead to many a happy outcome. I hope and pray that you find the appropriate way to move forward with your wonderful ability and that you have every success and satisfaction." - Lyndsay age 38 years



"When I went to see Tony for treatment I was feeling muddle-headed and was worried about a lump in my left breast. The healing session was like nothing I've ever experienced before - I felt genuinely cared for, so calm and peaceful. Best of all, afterwards I looked (and felt) about 10 years younger! Everyone wanted to know what I'd been doing to look so well. The lump in my breast has since disappeared." - Andrea Gardner age 39 years





“I saw Tony and having never had ‘healing’ I did not know what to expect but I had an open mind. It was a very very nice experience and I felt really good afterwards. I had major surgery 16 years ago and since then I had never had a proper night’s sleep, wakening five or six times every night. After my first session with Tony I actually slept that night for 8 hours and since then, apart from some disruption as a result of having to work shifts, I have been feeling well and sleeping like a log.”  - Alasdair Anderson age 67 years



“Tony has brought a degree of calm and self assuredness to my life that I never thought would be possible. Nervousness and anxiety were my constant companions. I could never get a full night’s sleep. I was always tired and sluggish, even little things seemed a bother. I had very little self-confidence. After my first session with Tony I felt as if I had just woken up from a very long sleep. I felt more alive than I could ever remember - colours were more vibrant. I was calmer than I had ever been and nothing seemed to phase me at all. I have enjoyed numerous healing sessions in the last year and they have had such a profound effect on me. I sleep soundly. I am now the content and happy person that I always wanted to be.”  - Margaret Clark age 62 years



"Anthony is a gifted individual and Healer. Over a two week period I received two sessions of distant healing from him, each session carried out over three evenings. They were unlike anything I had even experienced before. I felt as if I was enveloped in a warm energy while taking a journey. I had met several notable people from my past and my life and they were able to communicate to me what I've not been aware of before. The way this felt was not like a dream state but a relaxed state while still being present and aware. I felt that I could actually interact with these people in this incredible and quite unique state of consciousness. The information I received from them allowed me to understand my situation better and move on  from the suffering and pain which has caused me so much anxiety and agony. The distant Healings were arranged around my usual bedtime and I always fell into a peaceful sleep afterwards. Anthony is easy to communicate to and is always willing to accomodate."  N.F. London age 30 years




"Tony treated myself with a healing and Reiki on two separate occasions with excellent results on both sessions, one included anger issues and rage and frustration. The results have been life changing with benefits for me but also my family and every one else around me.  I can thoroughly recommend Tony  as the results that I personally have had are seriously life changing for the better."  - C.M.C age 43 years


Reiki has been life-changing for many people. You may find a visit to Google will help you in your journey to a life free of pain, dis-ease and stress. Simply key-in your health issue + the word 'reiki' and you will find many personal stories and anecdotes where fellow sufferers have found Reiki to have been beneficial in helping their symptoms and in many cases of curing their illness. If you resonate to Reiki then there is every chance that you will find yourself visiting a Reiki practitioner. Please use the  Contact me  button to arrange a hands-on or a distant Reiki healing session with me.



Many organisations suggest using Reiki, often for the relief of pain, side effects from treatments and other symptoms. Click on the links below to go to their websites.



Cancer Research Uk    :   Multiple Sclerosis Trust    :  ADHD    :   Fibromyalgia Support     :  NHS Foundations Trust   :  PTSD 



Cancer : A Clinical Perspective  


Reiki for Mind, Body and Spirit - support for Cancer Patients..........    Article by Pamela Miles   





Reiki treatment helps patients after heart attack.........   Article by Rachel SC Friedman MD et al   





An analysis of the long term effects of energetic healing on symptoms of depression and  stress.......  Adina Goldman Shore Ph.D.  


The Impact of Reiki in Controlling Stress and Depression........   Zigkeyeah Collier October 6, 2009   


 Palliative Care    Palliative Care........  Article by Pamela Miles  




Insomnia and Sleep Disorders  


It's already hard to get enough sleep in our busy, wired, non-stop culture - 40% of people sleep less than the recommended seven to nine hours a night.  Indeed, between a third and half of all adults in the US and around the world suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives. In up to 15% of people, this inability to sleep is persistent enough that it causes serious distress.

If you suffer from sleeplessness or insomnia, a Reiki healing session can help you sleep better. Lying awake at night, tossing and turning with your mind racing? You can't get comfortable, you can't relax and before you know it, it's time to get up and you're just as tired as you were when you went to bed? For many people, this is not just an occasional event, but a constant round of insomnia and exhaustion. There are many reasons for sleeplessness, including worry, stress, anxieties, a side-effect of some anti - depressants and other prescribed medications. Imagine for a moment how you would feel if you could be totally relaxed when you went to bed, slept well for eight to ten hours and arose the next morning feeling fresh, energised, your batteries recharged, alert and ready to face the day.


Research has shown that one of the many benefits of a Reiki healing session is that it aids restful sleep. Studies of people who are recovering from heart attacks or who are receiving treatment for cancer indicate that Reiki helps them sleep better than those who have not had Reiki.  Their sleep became deeper, they woke up less during the night and when they woke up they felt so much more rested and better able to cope with life. A benefit of every Reiki healing session I have ever facilitated is that the client reports of sleeping better.



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